4F-ID Verification

Contactless Biometric 4-Fingerprint Identification with Off-the-Shelf Smartphones

What is 4 Fingers ID Verification?

Our 4 Fingers ID Verification turns every smartphone with a camera into a highly-secure means of fingerprint authentication. By capturing simultaneous images of your fingerprints, and coupled with Veridium’s Idenetity Assurance Platform, it delivers Multi-Factor Authentication through a single interaction. All without the need for any native biometric scanners. 4F-ID is certified by the FBI and used by multiple police forces.

Use Your Mobile Phone's 5MP Camera and Flash

Works Across Devices and Platforms


How it works

Place your hand behind your phone

Place your hand behind your phone

Place them within the guide and hold your hand steady

All four fingerprints are captured at once

Who is using 4F-ID?

Veridium’s 4F-ID solution, certified by the FBI, is widely used by law enforcement agencies and police forces across three continents for secure identity verification. This innovative biometric technology provides a fast and reliable way to verify identities in the field, enhancing the efficiency and 

effectiveness of law enforcement operations globally. From Europe to North America and Asia, 4F-ID is trusted for its accuracy and ease of use, allowing officers to quickly and accurately confirm identities anywhere without the need for additional hardware.