mobile biometrics identity access Management iris recognition behavioral biometrics

What to Expect in Mobile Biometrics in 2017

The rapid evolution in mobile technology has allowed manufacturers to integrate new biometrics sensors into almost every device over the last few years. Though Samsung and Apple have led the pack, many companies, including Google, are baking fingerprint sensors and other solutions into even their low-end devices, allowing consumers and enterprises unprecedented access to biometric authentication.

It’s expected that 2017 will show even greater adoption of mobile biometrics across app development, particularly for app login and financial transaction authentication. We’re taking a look at some of the top rumors and trends that 2017 is expected to bring, and how you’ll be able to leverage them for your users.

Behavioral Biometrics

First and foremost is the rise of behavioral biometrics. How users interact with their devices, from where they are located to how they tap, can be measured and used as a low-level form of authentication. This method isn’t fully secure, and requires a stronger form of authentication initially, but can be used to keep a user logged in over time after the initial authentication. For businesses, this can be deployed for low-grade access on-premises – for example, employees with already enrolled devices who are in the office already meet a certain degree of security, and once they’ve used a fingerprint or face scan to login to their account, can be kept logged in until their behavioral biometrics indicate a deviation that requires a new login, such as leaving the office.


Iris Recognition

Despite the explosive failure of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, many industry experts believe that 2017 will be the year of the iris. Rumors abound that several new smartphones will include the near infrared camera required to capture an iris scan, allowing for this power biometric to be deployed in many of the same places that people already use a fingerprint. Iris is considered one of the strongest biometrics in terms of security, making it highly reliable and useful for authenticating banking transactions and other instances where a higher degree of security is needed.

Digital Identity Access Management

Many in the access management field are beginning to embrace biometrics as the best way to prove identity. As part of a multi-factor authentication solution, biometrics provides a much more accurate proof of identity than a password ever could, enhancing security while boosting overall convenience for the end user. As more mobile devices integrate biometrics sensors, so too are companies adopting biometric authentication as part of their identity access management architecture.

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